WAMSS Academics are excited to run the MD2 Mock Short-OSCE x Clin Prep in 2021. It is a new event, combining the previously popular Prep for Practice with the mock Short-OSCE. It is designed to offer both an opportunity to practice clinical skills in exam conditions, whilst also offering key clinical tips and skills prior to hitting the wards. This will be supervised and facilitated by a number of final year medical students, actors, and volunteer doctors.

The event is going to comprise:
1. A full timed, marked Mock Short-OSCE 
2. A Clinical Preparation workshop
3. Suturing workshop 

Students will rotate through these three stations over 3 hours in either the morning or afternoon session. Details are as follows:

When: Saturday April 17th

Where: FJ Clark Complex, QEII Medical Centre

Session times
Morning session: 08:30 till 12:00
Afternoon session: 12:30 till 4:00pm

Event Dates

From To  
17th Apr 2021 @ 8:30am 17th Apr 2021 @ 4:00pm Add to your calendar

Event Details

QEII Medical Campus - N Block & FJ Clark Lecture Theatre Complex