Welfare's cultural and linguistically diverse panel discussion aims to answer the question of 

"How can we get rid of mental health stigma from CALD communities and the steps we can take as people from CALD backgrounds, to improve our mental health?” 

The main purpose of this event is to acknowledge the stigma that is attached to mental health in CALD communities and how UWA CALD students can unlearn those stigmas. 

The expected attendance is about 50-60 people at the Lawerence Wilson Art Gallerey which has the capcity of 350 people. The manager of the lawernece wilson art gallrey is Donna Greenwood and her contact number is +64883977 and email is; [email protected]

Event Dates

From To  
25th Aug 2021 @ 6:30pm 25th Aug 2021 @ 8:00pm Add to your calendar
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Event Details

Lawerence Wilson Art Gallery UWA