SafeTALK is an accredited educational program designed by LivingWorks Education Australia with the purpose of providing students with the skills necessary and confidence to identify signs of suicidal behaviour in those around them, and initiate a response to these signs to help build a bridge between affected individuals and organizations that offer further suicide intervention help services.

SafeTALK is a relatively short program, where in less than half a day, attendees; regardless of prior experience or mental health training, will leave equipped and prepared as a suicide-alert helper.By running this program, at least 20 more people in our community will be qualified to help those around them, including themselves. But it doesn’t stop there. Picture this, if every attendee were to simply strike up a conversation with as little as 2 struggling people and potentially save their lives, that’s 40 priceless human lives saved simply by running a 3 hour-long course. 

Event Dates

From To  
14th Sep 2021 @ 11:00am 14th Sep 2021 @ 2:00pm Add to your calendar

Event Details

Acorn Room UWA