Join us at this panel discussion and hear from students, academics and researchers about self-care, stress, and everything about how to look after yourself as someone in research!

WHO: everyone is welcome - if you are/will be doing a research degree (Honours, PhD etc.), or are thinking about research as a career, you definitely don't wanna miss out!

WHEN: Friday 7th May, 4-5pm

WHERE: Room, EZONE Student Hub (if you can't find the place, just message our page!)

COST: Free!

BRING: a curious and open mind, and all questions you got <3

Need one more reason? There'll be free food and non-alcoholic drinks ;)

Event Dates

From To  
7th May 2021 @ 3:00pm 7th May 2021 @ 4:00pm Add to your calendar

Event Details

EZONE Student Hub