The Woman in Maths Luncheon is an event we hold every year, where we bring in guest speakers from a diverse range of disciplines relating to maths to speak to everyone about their experiences and answer any questions they might have.  The purpose of the event is to celebrate the achievements of women im mathematical fields.  Free catered food is also provided, this year we will be buying the food from Miss Mauds.

The following speakers will be attending the event.

1. Maria Kovaleva ([email protected]) a member from the ICRAR radio astronomy team at      Curtin

2. Jessica Silva (0497799383 - [email protected] ) works in robotics with a backgground in marine science

3. Elizabeth Sannut ([email protected]) works as an engineer at woodside

4. Inge Koch ([email protected]) an academic at UWA

Event Dates

From To  
25th Aug 2020 @ 1:00pm 25th Aug 2020 @ 4:00pm Add to your calendar
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Event Details

Sunken Gardens UWA