The Mech Vs Elec Quiz Night is an annual networking night hosted by EEEWA and IMechE UWA, aimed to provide opportunities for students to interact with company representatives in a more laid-back environment, without the formality that normally accommodates these occasions. Mechanical and electrical engineers will go head-to-head in a series of challenging rounds to see which is the superior specialisation, and most deserving of the IMechEEEWA Cup. In 2018, the electrical discipline were deemed the winners of the quiz night, with the following year, being the mechanical discipline, evening out the playing field.

Hence, this year will be the decider, where students will compete alongside representatives from Siemens, Woodside, Hatch and many more to answer the dying question of which specialisation is the most superior.

The event will be held at the UWA Tavern on the 16th of April, from 6-9:30PM. Food and drinks will be provided throughout the night but tickets will need to be purchased for those attending!

Event Dates

From To  
16th Apr 2021 @ 6:00pm 16th Apr 2021 @ 10:00pm Add to your calendar