Do you remember what your high school sex education was like? Did your teachers talk about masturbation? What about sex toys? Dental dams?

Sex education has and continues to cater for the male body. There have been many misconceptions over the years about female sexuality, with virginity checks and the “myth of the female orgasm” being major ones. Whilst there have been developments towards more informed and inclusive discussions of sexuality, there are still a lot of gaps and misinformation out there. There is still a long way to go before sex education is inclusive of all womxn.

This online workshop will host a sex ed session based on the topic #womennotobjects. This discussion will delve into big questions and create an open space to talk about sexuality.

Come join us for an online, interactive chit chat about all things sex related.

Event Dates

From To  
24th Apr 2020 @ 4:00pm 24th Apr 2020 @ 5:00pm Add to your calendar
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Event Details

Online via Zoom.