A little bit about the Committee
The UWA Student Guild endorses the UWA Workplace Health & Safety (WHS) policy to provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment, equipment and systems of work for all its staff, students, contractors and visitors.
The Guild has an active WHS Committee which includes Student Representatives, Management and two staff elected as WHS Representatives (Catering and Non-Catering).
Current members of the WHS Committee are:
- Nikhi Talluri (Guild President and Chair of the Workplace Health & Safety Committee)
- Oliver Barrett (Guild Vice-President)
- Anika Leunig (General Secretary)
- Olivia Stronach (Ordinary Guild Councillor)
Staff members on the committee are:
- Fernanda Leme (WHS Representative - Commercial)
- Kelvin Lee (WHS Representative - Non-Commercial)
- Lauren Mocke (WHS Administrator and Executive Officer of WHS Committee)
- Genia Domaschenz (Human Resources Officer)
- Jack Spagnuolo (Associate Director - Commercial)
- Tony Goodman (Managing Director)
The Committee meets every two months to discuss any WHS issues arising out of the UWA Safety Committee meeting or the Guild itself and ensures the Guild remains compliant with legislated WHS procedures and practices. Staff and students are encouraged to raise any items of concern to the WHS Representatives for tabling at the next Committee meeting.
Further information on the election process of WHS Representatives can be found on the UWA Health & Safety website.