March 16, 2020

COVID-19 Update

Brehany Shanahan

We understand that many students may currently be experiencing heightened stress and anxiety. Firstly, to members of the university community who are yet to arrive on campus due to the travel ban, our thoughts are with you and we are devastated that we haven’t yet been able to welcome you to our campus.

The Guild is in regular contact with the University regarding COVID-19. We are guided by the advice from the Chief Medical Officer, from the State Government and the UWA Critical Incident Management Team. Our first priority will always be student safety. Because of this, we will no longer be making coffees in reusable cups at Guild Cafes. We are also in regular contact with clubs and societies to monitor risks around gatherings on campus and amongst our community. The Guild is also pressing for tutorial participation to become non-compulsory, and we expect to hear back from the University tonight.

The Department of Health recommends:

  • Washing your hands often with soap and water
  • Using a tissue and covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze
  • Coughing or sneezing into your elbow
  • Avoiding shaking hands with others
  • Maintaining a social distance of 1.5m from others 

If you feel unwell please do not come to campus. If you experience coronavirus symptoms, contact a healthcare provider by telephone. Do not attend a medical centre, clinic or surgery without an appointment. For more information, please visit UWA’s coronavirus FAQ page

In the coming days, we will be releasing more information for students on support they can access during this time. Additionally, if you are ever in need of academic, financial of wellbeing advice, our Student Assist Officers are here for you. You can email them at [email protected].

Best wishes,


 We have been pushing for the university to remove tutorial attendance marks for the semester as well as in-person assessment items like quizzes and tests. This would remove all necessity to be on campus while still allowing content to be delivered (e.g. lectures can be given to a closed theatre much like the football is taking place without an audience). We have also been pushing for tutorials to be moved online. University staff are currently working on moving units online, with academics having done much unpaid work.