Special Consideration

Applying for Special Consideration

All requests for Special Consideration and for withdrawal from a unit are to be submitted using the online application system. Make sure you have your supporting documents readily available for upload.  Form-based requests for special consideration will no longer be accepted. 


If you're seeking special consideration on grounds other than medical, download and submit a Special Consideration Declaration along with your application.

Special consideration to apply for deferred exam(s):

If you are too unwell on the day of your exam to perform your best, do not sit your exam. Make an appointment to see a Doctor on the day of your exam (or prior to your exam). Whilst you have up to three university working days to lodge your special consideration application to apply for a deferred exam, you need to see a Doctor on (or before) the day of the exam for them to confirm you were too unwell to sit your exam that day. Medical certificates are unable to be backdated and need to cover you for your exam date(s). 

Examples of circumstances that may make you eligible and the kinds of arrangements that your Faculty may grant can be found here.

You can apply for Special Consideration any time prior to the due date/date of exam, but have only three days after the due date in which to lodge your application. If for a medical reason, you will need to make sure you see a doctor (or counsellor) on the day of or the days leading up to your assessment, as medical certificates are unable to be backdated.

For the most up to date information about applying for Special Consideration, please see the UWA website.

Tips for applying for special consideration
  • Lodge your application as soon as you think there may be a problem. After the exam or due date you will only have three days to apply.
  • Check the University Policy on Special Consideration, and ask your Faculty about their specific requirements.
  • If you are seeking the help of someone recognised by the policy (e.g. doctor, counsellor, residential college principal, religious leader etc.) ask them to complete the relevant section on the application form. If you do not have a copy at the time, ask them for a letter or certificate to support your application.
  • If there is a delay before you can see someone who can provide supporting evidence, contact your Faculty to explain the situation. They may be able to refer you to someone else who can help, or you could lodge your application with a note that evidence will be submitted later.
  • Where you are already regularly seeing someone about your situation (e.g. doctor, counsellor etc.) get their help with the application, rather than University or Guild staff (who may not be able to substantiate your application after a single visit).
Appealing the outcome of your application

If you are unhappy with the outcome of your application for special consideration, then you can lodge a formal request for a Review of an Academic Decision (by requesting a Stage 1 Review via the Online Report Form and select from the drop-down box under Public Incident Report 'I am reporting - A request for a review of academic decision (grades, marks, progress status, academic decision)